About Us
Company Profile
Abhinav Leasing & Finance Limited (Abhinav Leasing and Finance Limited or the Company), an NBFC is registered with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) as a Systemically Important Non Deposit Accepting Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC-ND-SI).
The Company was incorporated on 20th of July , 1984 under the name and style of Abhinav Leasing & Finance Limited In State of Delhi, having its registered office at S-524, Ist Floor, Vikas Marg Shakarpur Delhi 110092, with the main objects of financing industrial enterprises by way of making loans and advances. Company is dealing in Shares, Stocks, Debentures, Bonds, Securities and other investments. The Company also finances, Corporations and Other Individuals by way of loans or advances or subscribing to capital. With the present focus on providing innovative and structured solutions for debt related requirements of Indian companies, Abhinav Leasing and Finance Limited aims to widen its relationship within the Indian financial ecosystem and enter potential areas like infrastructure financing and long-term project financing.
The Company is managed by a team of experienced people including the Board of Directors & other Management personal.